Milladore, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to find out what the Population & Steets of Milladore City, WI are? Do you want to know what percentage of the population lives below the poverty line? If so, then you'll want to look at the graphs below! These will help you determine whether or not Milladore is a good place to live. Once you know this, you'll be able to make better decisions about your future.

In 2019, Milladore had a population of 276 people. The median age is 35. The median household income is $56,607, which is 5.32% higher than the U.S. average. The city has a relatively low crime rate of 0.8%. The median home price in Milladore is $133,200, and the community's average annual home appreciation has only been 3.9% over the last decade.

The first schoolhouse in Milladore was a log building near the railroad track and about a mile west of Hooper's place. The town's first school board was headed by Barber Smith. Eventually, the school district was split between Milladore and Sherry. Later, another schoolhouse was built, and the community now has four classrooms. Today, more than 100 people attend the school.

The median household income in Milladore, Wisconsin is $52,313. This is a bit lower than the nearby ZIP codes. Most people in Milladore travel to their places of employment using a vehicle. Travel time is under 45 minutes for most people. It is predicted that the population of the community will reach 20,000 by 2020. If you want to get a better idea of the population, check out the millador, WI demographics.