Minong, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are planning to move to Minong City, WI, you should know the population and steets of this city first. As of 2000, the city's population was 858. The population also includes the Village of Minong. If you are looking for schools in Minong, WI, you can use the internet to find out the school name and address. The ZIP code and address of the school are also provided.

Crime rates in Minong City vary widely from neighborhood to neighborhood. In the southeast, you'll find a crime rate of one per five hundred people, whereas the same rate is 1 for every 250 people in the northeast. However, comparing crime rates doesn't necessarily mean that one neighborhood is more dangerous than the next, as crime happens where people are. So, while it's difficult to compare crime rates in different parts of the city, the numbers can give you a good idea of how safe a neighborhood is.

In Minong, the average commute time is about two and a half minutes, depending on the day and traffic. The average home in the city costs about $187,400, and the average yearly appreciation of these homes is 9.5%. If you're thinking of moving to Minong, these numbers can give you a good idea of the costs and the amenities of living in this city. If you're interested in making Minong, WI your new home, it might be time to check out the available listings.