Mount Calvary, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you're looking for a map of Mount Calvary, WI, you might wonder which race is most prevalent. The following map shows the majority racial groups by area. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. You can also view data on the diversity of Mount Calvary. The most common racial group in the city is White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Two+ (Non-Hispanic) and White (Hispanic).

The violent crime rate in Mount Calvary is 1.22 crimes per thousand residents during a standard year. In contrast, the violent crime rate in Mount Calvary's northeast neighborhoods is one in six59, while it is as low as one in ninety-eighty in the south. Crime grade also offers a map that tells you how violent crime rates compare with other cities in the area. While it may seem intuitive to use a map to determine violent crime rates, the actual process is not as simple as it may seem.

The poverty rate in Mount Calvary, Wisconsin is 7.1%, with children making up less than a tenth of the residents. The average household income in Mount Calvary is $72,391, and the median household income is $71,506. The median household income in Mount Calvary is $69.345 per year, a few dollars less than the average Wisconsin resident. There are two public schools in the city, one for families and one for single people.