Neenah, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered the population and steets of Neenah City, Wisconsin? Here's what you need to know! This city is only about half the size of Wisconsin. In fact, it has the highest percentage of White residents, with a low percentage of Native population. Learn more about the people who live in this city! Keep reading to discover the demographics of this city.

The median age of Neenah City's population was 37.1 years. There were 25 percent of residents under 18 years of age. Another 9.8% of households were headed by a woman who was living without her husband. There were also 27.5% of non-families, while 10.1% of the population was elderly. The gender make-up of the city was 48.9% male and 51.8% female.

The area includes 87.5% white residents and 0.4% black and Asian people. A mere 2.1% of Neenah residents were Hispanic. Other demographic factors to consider when choosing a target area include the average household income, which is $71,241 and median household income, which is $55,273. The area also boasts a high school graduation rate at 84%. You can determine your target audience by assessing these demographics.

As a result, Neenah has a high percentage of single women. This is in contrast to the overall population of Wisconsin, which is just 6.8% larger. As a result, Neenah has a larger percentage of single women than other cities in the state. Despite the fact that this is not a major concern for you, it is still important to know how many women are married in Neenah and why.