Neopit, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering relocating, you'll want to know how the population of Neopit City is doing. This city has consistently declined over the past five years, but the reasons behind the population decline may not be clear. One possible reason is that the city's birth rate is low, a factor that will trigger a domino effect of further decline. Other factors that may be to blame are low wages, lack of public transportation, and the general cost of living.

The racial makeup of the population of Neopit City is quite diverse. The most predominant racial group in Neopit is White, followed by Black and Native American. The second-most common racial group in Neopit is Hispanic, followed by White. The median age of residents of Neopit is 33.8 years. The city is home to several different races, including Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders.

There are several occupations in Neopit, WI. The top four are building & grounds cleaning & maintenance, education instruction / library, and sales & related occupations. This city is particularly known for its firefighters. While the median income for residents of Neopit, WI is $46,488, the highest paid occupations are production transportation & material moving. However, residents earning less than this median income should still pay attention to the economy.

There are some interesting statistics about NEOPIT, WI. The city's ownership percentage is less than 60%, but it is still a low percentage compared to neighboring areas. Furthermore, only 6.8% of residents in Neopit, WI work from home, making the commute time considerably shorter than the national average. For this reason, it's a good idea to consider how far you'll be traveling each day.