Okauchee, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Okauchee City, Wisconsin, look no further. You'll find it on the city's official website. This information is updated frequently, and is based on the most up-to-date statistics available. You can also see other important information about the city by viewing the list of nearby cities below.

The 2010 census reported that Okauchee City had a total population of 6,566 people. Of this, 56.6 percent of residents were under the age of 18. A majority of households were made up of married couples, and 14.6% were made up of single adults. There were also 11.4% of senior citizens living alone. The median household size was 2.48, and the average family size was 3.04.

The most common racial and ethnic groups living below the poverty line in Okauchee City are White people, followed by Black and Native Americans. This area has a very low poverty rate of 8.63%, with only 1.23% of households earning less than $1,200 per month. This is largely due to low wages and a large number of unemployed individuals. If you're wondering what the economic climate is like, Okauchee Lake is one of the better places to live.

There are plenty of places to spend the night, and Okauchee City is no exception. The city was founded in 1836 and was named for a local river in the same year. The city has a population of 8,408 at the 2010 census, and is expected to grow to 8,767 by 2020. The city's affluence is slightly below the national average, and the area's median household income is higher than the state average.