Oostburg, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're curious about the Population & Steets in Oestburg City, WI, you've come to the right place. Below you'll find a variety of data regarding the city's residents. First, take a look at the average age of its residents. The median age of the residents is forty years old, and families consist of 3.1 people on average. The city is very diverse and ranks 13360 nationally, while ranking 422 in the state.

The population of Oostburg City is 2,927 people. Its median household income is $58,065. As a result of the town's livability rating, the city has a low unemployment rate. Despite this, the city is home to a number of hard-working neighbors. Additionally, Oostburg is a rapidly expanding city, which means that it's welcoming new businesses and residents alike. Oostburg boasts a clean, well-kept city center and a low crime rate.

The median property value in Oostburg, WI is $153,300, which is 0.637 times smaller than the national average. The homeownership rate is 76.8%, which is slightly higher than the national average. People in Oostburg, WI commute an average of 15.9 minutes to work, and drive alone. The median car ownership in Oostburg is the same as the national average, with two cars per household.

Oostburg City is located in the Oostburg County region. The city has a moderate income level and a large number of seniors. The median household size is 2.39 people. The city's population is fairly spread out. There are nearly 25 percent of people under the age of eighteen years, while nine percent are between the ages of twenty-four and forty-four. The city is also home to 12.6% of senior citizens.