Orfordville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Orfordville City? You can get this information from the census. There are 455 households in the city with an average of two people. The majority are married couples, and 39.9% of them have children under the age of 18. Of these, 6.8% of the households were headed by single people. The average household size was 2.78 and the average family size was 3.14.

The population of Orfordville City is 1422. The median household income is $51,823, which is above the state's average. Those that are employed earn an average of $51,853 a year. The poverty rate is also below average, at 6.4%. In terms of housing, 74.2% of homes are owner-occupied, while 25.8% are rented. In Orfordville, the median gross rent is $704 per month.

QuickFacts contains statistics on all states and counties, including Orfordville. The statistics for Orfordville are not comparable to those for other geographic levels because of differences in sampling and methodology. QuickFacts' icons are on each row in the TABLE view. The Quick Info icon on each row provides details on the sampling error. The vintage year refers to the last year of the series.

The Village of Orfordville was one mile square when it was founded in spring 1856. Until this time, the only house in the village was a log structure owned by Samuel Lampson. The street names were named after the original land owners. These streets are now numerically identified. In addition to these, the village has two businesses - Hononegah Archery and Dynally Mould.