Port Edwards, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following information will help you determine the Population & Steets in Port-Edwards, Wisconsin. It provides the most recent data as well as an overall overview of the city. The data is updated every year so you will never have to guess at the local population again. You will know the demographics of a city by comparing it to other areas. For instance, if you are thinking about moving to Port-Edwards, you can look up the average cost of living and crime rate in Port-Edwards, WI.

The percentage of college graduates in Port-Edwards is high, with 23% completing a graduate degree or professional degree. The city's population is comprised of three main occupational categories: white-collar jobs, blue-collar jobs, and service industries. The town's population is composed of a mixture of both. This diversity is reflected in the employment rate.

A city's gender distribution can be found by looking at the demographics. Port-Edwards, WI is made up of 1,739 people. Among those residents, 46.6% are white, while 53.4% are hispanic. The gender ratio in the U.S. and Wisconsin is 51.7% to 50.2%, making Port-Edwards a good choice if you're trying to find a new place to live.

Aside from these two types of statistics, the city's residential fire statistics can tell you about the general conditions of property in the city. Generally speaking, residential fires reflect the quality of city utilities. There were 3 evictions in Port Edwards in 2016.