Reeseville, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Reeseville City has an average of 5,379 residents. The median household income is $56,216 and the median age is 39.5. Its population is overwhelmingly white, with only 0.4% black and 0.4% Hispanic. As far as home ownership goes, it's below average. A higher than average home ownership rate will also affect local advertising. The median home value is $32,060.

The population of Reeseville is about as old as the United States's. Its median age is 37.2, a slight decline from the national average of 93.4%. In addition, only 8.2 percent of the civilian population in Reeseville is 65 years of age or older. That's lower than the average for Wisconsin. But there's more to this city than meets the eye.

Reeseville has a relatively high number of residents, and many people live in the city's suburbs. It's home to the J&R Plasticraft Corporation, an automotive-inspired fiberglass boat manufacturer, which was known for its sleek design. Later, Quality Plastics, Inc. took over the boat manufacturing business, and marketed its product line as Quality Glass Boats. However, the company was closed in the 1960s and is now defunct.

The population of Reeseville is about 763 at the 2020 census. The city was named after Samuel Reese, an early settler who settled in the area in 1845. The area was originally surveyed by his grandfather Adam Reese. Reeseville's name derives from this pioneering American settler. A few generations later, Samuel Reese paved the way for its eventual growth.