River Hills, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of River Hills, Wisconsin? This area of southeast Wisconsin is located along Lake Michigan, about 40 miles north of Illinois. The climate in this area is mild, with summers and winters that are pleasant. The population of this community is around 27877. There are 33 local units of government. The city has an average household income of $161,292.

The population of River Hills is spread out. Twenty-five percent of its population was under the age of eighteen years. Another twenty-seven percent was between the ages of 18 and 24. Forty-seven percent of households were made up of married couples. Another 16.3% consisted of individuals. Four percent of households were headed by a person aged 65 and older. In general, the population of the village is fairly evenly distributed, with a median age of 46.

The census reported that about 542 households reside in River Hills. Four hundred and forty-three percent of those households are family-based; the remaining 100 households are non-family units. The median gross monthly rent in River Hills is $1,333. Ninety-one percent of households in River Hills are connected to the Internet, which explains the high level of Internet usage. And there are a lot of options available in River Hills for renters.

In general, residents of River Hills are happy with their lifestyles and properties. There are several amenities for families, including good schools and low crime. Despite the high cost of rent, the neighborhood has a relatively low crime rate. The majority of residents are single-family homeowners and support education. Although there are no nightlife venues, River Hills is a solid community that features many family-friendly qualities.