Slinger, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to get a feel for the area around Slinger, WI, it may help to know some of the nearby cities. While you may have an idea of how to get around in this community, you may also find it useful to know the population and steets of the surrounding area. For instance, if you are planning to go on a road trip to explore the surrounding area, you can use a list of nearby cities.

The current poverty rate in Slinger City is 6.5%. This figure is lower than the poverty rate in Saukville, Iron Ridge, and Wisconsin. The average income per capita is $21,450. Approximately 73.7% of Slinger residents are employed. Only a small number of residents are considered to be unemployed. Slinger has a high percentage of residents with a high school education. In terms of the percentage of people with an undergraduate degree, the number of students attending college is higher than that of any other Wisconsin city.

Slinger is home to approximately 5,148 people. The median household income in Slinger is $71,503, a higher than the national average of $65,712. As a result, the population is economically stable and is growing. In addition, the median age in Slinger is 41.3, compared to 37.4 for the entire United States. Despite this, the median household size in Slinger is only 2.57, less than half the size of the average US city.