Solon Springs, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Solont Springs City, Wisconsin? Here's a quick guide. The population of Solon Springs is a mix of native-born residents and immigrants. The median age was 51.2 in 2019, with native-born citizens averaging a slightly older age. The median income in Solon Springs was $52,217 in 2017, and the median age was 54 in 2018. There were almost equal numbers of males and females, and the most common occupations were office and administrative support occupations and sales.

The population of Solon Springs, Wisconsin, is 6,393 people. This number may change by the next census, but it remains the same as it is now. The census estimates indicate that the population of this village will reach 656 people by the year 2020. The city has a total of 1 bank branch, and the most popular is the National Bank of Commerce. The population of Solon Springs is shown in 2010 and 2020, as well as the street names.

The median household income in Solon Springs is $13,577, making it a moderately-income neighborhood. The city is slightly lower than the national average, with only 58.5% of households living below the federal poverty line. The population of Solon Springs is also slightly higher than the national average. Compared to other Wisconsin cities, the rent burden in Solon Springs is higher than the state average of 28.9%, but it is still lower than in most of its neighboring cities. In 2016, 31.9% of housing units in Solon Springs were occupied by renters.