Wisc Dells, Wisconsin Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In order to understand the overall population of a place, it's important to understand its statistics, such as the number of people living alone. While Wisconsin Dells is a small city, it has a high single-person population, at nearly 49%. The state's overall single-person population is only 4% larger than Wisconsin Dells's. However, the city's high single-person population isn't indicative of the area's general demographics.

The city is home to a diverse population. Almost 96% of Wisconsin Dells' residents are US citizens, although there are a small number of foreign-born residents. The state's largest percentage of foreign-born residents comes from Mexico, India, and China. As a result, the city is diverse in ethnicity. In addition, there are more than 14,000 students per year in the area, making it an ideal place for families.

The median age of all residents of Wisconsin Dells is 42.3. This is slightly lower than the national average of 64%, but higher than both neighboring geographies. In terms of education, Wisconsin Dells, WI residents have the same average GPA as their country of origin. In addition to high school education, 34% of Wisconsin Dells residents have completed some college, and 12% have Bachelor's degrees or higher.

A significant part of Wisconsin Dells' population is seasonal, due to the nature of the town. The majority of residents live in second homes during the vacation season, and then disperse during the off-season. After the holiday season, the town's population drops dramatically. As a result, the city's population has been a popular destination for tourists for over 160 years. There are over 200 unique stores and restaurants in Downtown Wisconsin Dells, and there are a number of outdoor and indoor waterparks. Among the other recreational opportunities in the town are hiking, fishing, biking, and golfing.