Alcova, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering about the Population & Steets in Alcove City, you're not alone. The statistics show that approximately 0.0% of Alcova residents are of Hispanic origin. While this is significantly shorter than the national average, the numbers are still surprising. Despite their low rate of racial diversity, many Alcova residents are proud of their heritage.

The population of Alcova is thirty-nine people. There are fourteen households in the area. Its median home value is $140,625, and the average household size is 2.50. The population is expected to increase by 8.3% over the next decade. The median age of residents is 0 years old, with approximately one male for every two females. In terms of race, the city is made up of 10.7% white residents, 0.3% black residents, and 0.3% Asians.

Most single-family homes in Alcova Heights were built between 1921 and 1950. At least two Sears houses are still located in the neighborhood. Infill development has added several single-family homes to the area. In addition to the infill development, a townhouse condominium was built on Columbia Pike in the mid-1980s. In Alcova Heights, the Alcova Heights Citizens Association was formed on January 21, 1966, with 80 charter members. Its first president was Dr. Mosely.