Fort Laramie, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Fort Laramie City, Wyoming is composed of 217 white citizens, five American Indian & Alaska Native, and three Hispanic residents. The median age of the population was 28 years. The percentage of the population that is black or African American is lower than the state average, and the percentage of residents that are foreign-born is higher than the state average. Fort Laramie City has a population density that is below the state average.

The average age of the population in Fort Laramie City is 42 years old. There are approximately 1,400 veterans, and one-third of the civilian population is 18 or older. The population of veterans is smaller than the civilian population, but it still consists of a large proportion of the overall population. One-third of the civilian population is a veteran, and nearly 7% of the entire Wyoming population is a veteran.

The median household income in Fort Laramie, WY is $64,459, and the median per-capita income is $110,332. The percentage of homeowners is higher than the national average of 64.1%, but the ratio of owners to renters is lower. The percentage of households that own a car is higher than the state average, and Fort Laramie, WY has a much lower poverty rate than the state and neighboring geographies.

According to the US Census Bureau, the population of Fort Laramie, WY was 232 in 2019. The percentage of U.S. citizens living there was 100 percent, and the homeownership rate was 92.8%. The average commute time was 27.6 minutes, and the average number of cars in a household was 3.