Marbleton, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets of Marbleton City, WY are quite interesting. The majority of Marbleton's residents own a home, making up 76.0% of the housing units in the city. Renters make up 26.1% of the housing units in the city. The median home value is $190,000.

The population of Marbleton is around 1,400 people. While that may not sound like much, it's a lot more than a thousand people. The city is located within Sublette County, Wyoming. It is the gateway to the Wind River Range, and it also has the Continental Divide Trail. It's also home to 1,300 lakes, including Pinedale and Big Piney. The population is growing each year, and its economy is thriving.

The population of Marbleton is diverse, with 15.6% of residents speaking a non-English language at home. There are 0.0% of residents who speak an Asian or Indo-European language. The unemployment rate is 11.6% for adults aged 16 and older. Thirty percent of Marbleton residents are employed by the government, including the state and federal government. The median income per household is $36,400.

The population of Marbleton City was 858 people as of the 2010 census. Twenty percent of residents were under 18 years old, while 16.9% were between 25 and 44. Twenty-three percent of the population was non-families. Eighty-four percent of the population was white, with 15.7% being of another race. Twenty-one percent was black or Hispanic. The median age for the city is 33 years old.