Pt Of Rocks, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Point of Rocks, MD is composed of a mix of residents who are born in the United States and immigrants from other countries. The most common racial groups living in this city are White and Two Or More. Among the foreign-born population, the most common birthplace was India. Other foreign-born groups living in Point of Rocks, MD include Black and Hispanic.

The median property value in Point of Rocks, MD was $356,500, which was 1.48 times the national average. The homeownership rate was 93.9%, with the majority of residents owning their homes. Moreover, almost 90% of Point of Rocks, MD residents had some form of health insurance. Their plans included employer-sponsored health insurance, 4.79% were Medicaid-approved, and 4.42% were Medicare-enrolled. There were zero people living in households that did not have health insurance.