Teton Village, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're considering a move to the mountains, you may be wondering: What are the Population & Steets in Tetons Village? There are 440 people living in Teton Village, Wyoming. Its median home value is $1.07 million, and its homeownership rate is 87.8%. The median household income in Tetons Village is $94,298. There are a total of 440 people living in the city, which makes it a fairly diverse city.

When it comes to a Teton Village, WY median household income, residents are slightly better off than the national average. While the poverty rate is slightly higher than the national average, it is still higher than in neighboring geographies. And while the median household income is higher in Tetons Village, the area is less expensive than most. In fact, just 11.1% of the residents in Tetons Village are below the poverty line.

The population of Tetons Village is mainly composed of white people. About a quarter is black or African American. Ten percent is Hispanic or Latino. The remaining two-thirds is non-white. In Tetons Village, only 15.9% of adult civilians are non-English speakers, compared to 7.5% in the rest of Wyoming. The rest is white and non-native American.

While the population of Tetons Village is relatively small, it is still home to some interesting locales. The tiny town of Wilson is a fifteen-minute drive from Teton Village, and features a bed and breakfast and is a popular drinking spot during the winter season. In addition to Tetons, there are also Rations in Wilson. Rations offers the best fried chicken sandwich outside of the South. The wine selection is impressive.