Thermopolis, Wyoming Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When determining the demographics of a target market, it is important to know the population and stouts of Thermopolis City, WY. The following is a summary of the city's population, stouts, and income statistics. Population and stouts are the percentages of each group in relation to the national average. If you are analyzing your target audience based on income, you can look at household incomes, home ownership, and other demographic information.

Thermopolis City, WY is home to approximately 2,800 people. The median household income in the city is $53,162. The stouts and populations of this community reflect the diversity of the city's residents. The city's population is comprised primarily of White (Non-Hispanic) and American Indian and Alaska Native (Non-Hispanic) people. Approximately 1.66% of residents are hispanic and there are 45 Hispanic households in Thermopolis.

Despite Thermopolis's small population and small size, the city boasts a mini-climate that is comparatively milder and less windy than the rest of Wyoming. Thermopolis has average temperatures of 22 degrees in January and seventy-three degrees in July. Thermopolis also experiences 320 sunny days per year, with even more sunny days in summer, due to underground sulfur.

Rent burden is a useful metric to measure rent affordability in a city. In Thermopolis, the average rent burden is 17.5%, which is lower than the state average of 25.8% and that of Green River at 20.9%. Among residents of Thermopolis, about twenty-four percent of households are renters. This means that the average renter spends nearly half of their income on rent.