How Many People Are There In The US With The Last Name Ngo?

There are approximately 1,711 people in the United States with the last name Ngo. This makes it the 2,205th most common last name in the country. Ngo is also the 5,510th most common first name in the US. There are approximately 2.5 billion people in the world with the last name Ngo. This makes it the 8th most common last name in the world.

Which State In The US Has The Largest Population With The Last Name Ngo?

Ngo is not a particularly common last name in the United States, but there are still a few thousand people who have it. So, which state has the largest population of people with the last name Ngo?According to the 2016 Census, California has the most people with the last name Ngo, with over 1,600 residents. Texas and Illinois are close behind, with over 1,300 and 1,200 residents, respectively.

There are a few theories about the origin of the last name Ngo. One theory is that it is originally from Vietnam, and that the name is derived from the Vietnamese word "ngo," which means "five." Another theory is that the name is of Dutch origin, and that it is derived from the Dutch word "ngo," which means "ship."

Whatever the origin of the last name Ngo, it is clear that it is most common in states with large Asian-American populations. If you are looking for someone with the last name Ngo, your best bet is to look in California, Texas, or Illinois.

What Are The Most Uncommon Names With The Last Name Ngo?

There are many uncommon names in the world, but with the last name Ngo, there are definitely some names that stand out. Here are the most uncommon names with the last name Ngo.1. Ngoc- This name is extremely rare and is only used in Vietnam.

2. Nguyễn- This name is the most common name in Vietnam.

3. Ngo- This name is extremely rare and is only used in Vietnam.

4. Nguyễn Thị Ngọc- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

5. Nguyễn Ngọc- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

6. Nguyễn Thanh Ngọc- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

7. Nguyễn Bảo Ngọc- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

8. Nguyễn Ngọc Anh- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

9. Nguyễn Ngọc Hiếu- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

10. Nguyễn Ngọc Lan- This name is rare and is only used in Vietnam.

List of People with the Last Name Ngo

Yvonne NgoValerie NgoQuoc NgoVan NgoVinh NgoVu NgoQuynh NgoViet NgoYen NgoQui NgoDao NgoHien NgoJennifer NgoLan NgoQuyen NgoThu NgoT NgoThanh NgoThuy NgoHung NgoThi NgoKim NgoNgoc NgoTuan NgoHoang NgoMai NgoMinh NgoDung NgoHoa NgoLinh NgoHong NgoAnh NgoTrang NgoPhuong NgoHuong NgoThao NgoHai NgoTam NgoDavid NgoDuc NgoMy NgoQuang NgoCuong NgoTrung NgoKhanh NgoJohn NgoChau NgoLien NgoHanh NgoSon NgoTuyet NgoHa NgoKevin NgoBinh NgoNga NgoChi NgoTony NgoLoan NgoLong NgoTan NgoHuy NgoTien NgoTu NgoMichael NgoAnthony NgoHieu NgoXuan NgoHue NgoPhong NgoAn NgoBich NgoTrinh NgoNguyen NgoHang NgoNam NgoTai NgoThai NgoThien NgoTran NgoThomas NgoJenny NgoPeter NgoDinh NgoLe NgoBao NgoNancy NgoAnn NgoTina NgoTri NgoLinda NgoPhung NgoPhuoc NgoTung NgoSteven NgoJulie NgoThang NgoThuan NgoDiem NgoAndy NgoCindy NgoNhan NgoTiffany NgoDat NgoLoc NgoLam NgoMichelle NgoQuan NgoHao NgoL NgoLisa NgoOanh NgoDan NgoAmy NgoJimmy NgoTommy NgoAnnie NgoCam NgoJames NgoHenry NgoPhuc NgoToan NgoTram NgoChristine NgoN NgoDanny NgoThong NgoTruc NgoPhu NgoAndrew NgoMuoi NgoNguyet NgoTuong NgoMary NgoSang NgoLy NgoTruong NgoNghia NgoTammy NgoKiet NgoThinh NgoTom NgoTuyen NgoDuy NgoHiep NgoAnna NgoDiep NgoDuong NgoTho NgoNhung NgoPhat NgoKelly NgoUyen NgoNgan NgoDong NgoLoi NgoTracy NgoBrian NgoChristina NgoDaniel NgoKimberly NgoVivian NgoGiang NgoNhu NgoRichard NgoStephanie NgoVincent NgoTrong NgoCuc NgoDiana NgoNhi NgoLang NgoTim NgoJohnny NgoKenny NgoKhoa NgoKieu NgoChinh NgoJessica NgoWilliam NgoDieu NgoElizabeth NgoHan NgoHuyen NgoKathy NgoPhi NgoChuong NgoLynn NgoSteve NgoVy NgoQuy NgoEric NgoJoseph NgoPaul NgoKen NgoTimothy NgoTinh NgoDang NgoHuu NgoBa NgoJason NgoKien NgoMike NgoThuong NgoHelen NgoKy NgoKaren NgoDon NgoHuynh NgoPhan NgoAlex NgoChris NgoLuong NgoMan NgoMaria NgoVictoria NgoChristopher NgoNgo NgoLiem NgoBe NgoKhoi NgoMui NgoTin NgoCong NgoTy NgoDanh NgoSuong NgoDuyen NgoHo NgoLuan NgoPhillip NgoSam NgoChanh NgoEmily NgoTheresa NgoCatherine NgoChan NgoKatherine NgoKhang NgoDien NgoLai NgoLily NgoSusan NgoTeresa NgoAlan NgoCharles NgoJonathan NgoKhai NgoLee NgoManh NgoPatrick NgoHau NgoHuan NgoLieu NgoNghi NgoMelissa NgoPhilip NgoAngela NgoDe NgoDiane NgoJudy NgoKhiem NgoThy NgoTrieu NgoVictor NgoBrandon NgoCan NgoDu NgoNina NgoCalvin NgoDai NgoDoan NgoHoan NgoKenneth NgoRaymond NgoSau NgoRyan NgoAlexander NgoNhat NgoSarah NgoJustin NgoThuc NgoBang NgoCanh NgoFrank NgoHoi NgoThoi NgoLuu NgoMimi NgoNicholas NgoSimon NgoTham NgoThan NgoBong NgoChien NgoJacqueline NgoMark NgoVien NgoBryan NgoSean NgoVuong NgoRobert NgoScott Ngo