Bantam, Connecticut Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population of Bantam City, CT, then you've come to the right place. Here you'll find the most recent information on the area's demographics. The median home value in Bantam was $173,800 in 2019. This is approximately 16.5% lower than the national average. The majority of residents in Bantam, CT are homeowners, and the homeownership rate was 44.2% in 2018. In addition, the average commute time was 30.2 minutes, which is the same as the national average. In Bantam, CT, the median car ownership was two cars per household.

The population of Bantam is 513 and the median household income was $43,194 in 2019. Males outnumbered females by a margin of 1.42 to one, and the median household income was $43,194. The most common ethnic group was white (88.9%), followed by black (0.3%), and Asian (1.52%). Hispanics make up 7.9% of the population.

The median age in Bantam, Connecticut is 46. Native-born residents are 49 years old, and foreign-born residents are 39. The median age of residents in Bantam, CT was 48 years old in 2018. The most common foreign-born countries in Bantam, CT were India and Jamaica. The city also has a large number of veterans, with a total population of 167.