Woburn, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in finding out the Population & Steets in Wobur City? You may want to move to the area for a job opportunity, or to be closer to your family and friends. Whatever your reason for moving to Woburn, you'll want to know where to find the best places to live. Here are some of the best places in Woburn to live, as well as crime and weather data.

The median household income is $75,138, which is lower than the median income for the surrounding ZIP codes. Most residents use vehicles to commute to work. Most people make it to work in less than half an hour, but a smaller number of workers commute for over 45 minutes. Listed below are some interesting things to know about the people living in Woburn City. The population in this area is primarily white.

The data on cancer incidence rates in Woburn are based on demographic data. This information is available in the subscription edition and updated every month. The statistics are based on age and gender-specific data for Woburn City and are comparable to the rates found statewide. Listed below are some of the highlights of each edition. You can also sign up for update notifications. The monthly, quarterly, and annual/November editions include data on the housing market situation, establishments, employment & earnings, and labor market. Population by age group and by county are included in the totals. Additionally, you can find the age group summaries for each census tract. The annual/March & September edition includes a summary of the Gross Domestic Product.