Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those who wish to know about the people, places, and events in Gettysburg City, Pennsylvania, you must go through the Population & Steets in Gittysburg City article. It will give you the information that you're looking for. The population of this city is about 101,407. It is a city that is situated near Pennsylvania, about 3 hours from Pittsburgh. The main roads that connect Gettysburg are U.S. Route 15 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike. Gettysburg has a mayor and two council members in each ward. Males earn approximately $30,341 per year; females earn $21,111.

The 1860 population of the city was about 2,400 people. The town was accessible by 10 roads and featured several thriving industries including shoemakers, tanners, and carriage manufacturers. There were also merchants, banks, taverns, and educational institutions. In 1863, two armies fought in Gettysburg, with only four civilians dying during the battle.

The city is located near Rock Creek, a tributary of the Potomac River. The population of the city increased by 3.68% from the 2010 census. Its high school is Gettysburg Area High School, located at 1130 Old Harrisburg Road. The median age of residents is 22.7 years old, and the median household income is $37,274.

Although the city was relatively small - a mere 2,000 residents - the town boasted three newspapers, a couple of institutes of higher learning, and several churches - the size of the invading army was overestimated. Michael Jacobs estimates that the Confederate army had ninety thousand soldiers, whereas the Union army possessed only sixty thousand. This is almost the inverse of the two armies' relative strengths. Nevertheless, the road system in Gettysburg made this battle possible.