Abernant, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Abertan City are presented for your reference. This information will help you better understand the population of the area. Abernant is located in the state of Alabama. This city has a population of approximately 5,820 people. The city is located within a 33-mile radius of Birmingham, AL. You can easily find nearby cities by looking at the list below.

The ZIP Code for Abernant is 35440. For more information about this city, go to the official website of the town. Its web page lists the population, schools, hospitals, museums, and libraries. It is the primary zip code for the city. The postal code of Abernant is applicable to a wide range of addresses, so it is easy to find out where the address of a certain residence is located.

The Census Bureau publishes the Census Bureau's population and steets data on a monthly basis. You can view information by county, state, or zip code. You can also view information by race. You'll find that the area has a diverse population. A diverse population means that there is a mixture of races living near each other. This diversity map is available on the Abernant city website.