Brantley, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Brantley, AL is composed of a mixture of races and ethnicities. The majority of residents are white, while 12.3% of the population is Black or African American. About a quarter of the population is Hispanic or Latino. The remaining 2.5 percent are other races or ethnicities. While there isn't much information on Brantley's race, a few demographic indicators can help you better understand the area.

The median property value in Brantley, AL was $89,300 in 2019, making it 0.371 times smaller than the national average. Compared to other cities in Alabama, Brantley has a lower rent burden than its neighboring cities, Rehobeth and Fort Deposit. Approximately fifty-seven percent of Brantley's households own two or more cars. Nearly all residents live in houses.

The United States Census Bureau estimates that Brantley has a population of 2,685 people. The city is made up of 1,356 households. The median home value is $57,455. The average household size is two and a half. Brantley's median household income is $28,319, while the average household income is $39,969. According to the United States Census Bureau, 62% of residents in Brantley City are college-educated, while forty-eight percent have dropped out of school.

The median annual income in Brantley, AL is twenty-seven dollars per month. This is significantly less than the average income of $65,712 in the United States. Compared to the median income in Alabama, Brantley, AL has a lower rent burden than its neighboring cities. Compared to other cities, the median household income in Brantley, AL is twenty-seven-seven-thousand-eight dollars.