Brownsboro, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Texas Census Data Comparison Tool ranks Brownsboro, Texas, above 76 percent of its peers in terms of Population & Steets. This tool allows you to quickly compare statistics for a city and its surrounding areas. It is easy to use and makes comparisons of demographic data for cities and towns simple and quick. You can find out how many people live in Brownsboro by comparing the racial makeup of the city with that of other nearby towns.

The unemployment rate for Brownsboro, TX, was 6.5%, lower than the national average. The job market increased 2.4% in the last year, and is expected to grow 38.0% in the next decade. Tax rates in Brownsboro are low, with sales tax only 6.3% and income tax rates of 0.0%. These taxes can influence your cost of living, but in general, the average household in Brownsboro owns two cars.

The median household income for Brownsboro, TX is $51,250. The city's population is primarily white, with about 971 White residents and 113 White (Hispanic) citizens. There are 40 Black or African American residents in Brownsboro. The poverty rate for the city is 12.9%, higher than the national average. Despite this, residents in Brownsboro, TX live in a relatively high percentage of homes.

The median property value in Brownsboro, TX is $95,200, 0.396 times smaller than the national average. Renters pay around $850 per month in rent. A median home is owned by a homeowner in Brownsboro, TX, and the homeownership rate is 70.1%. Brownsboro, TX has a higher percentage of home owners than the national average of 64.1%.