The city of Carbon Hill is located in Walker County, Alabama. It was incorporated in February 1891. The 2010 census reported a population of 2,021 compared to a population of 2,071 in 2000. Here is a look at the population and steets of Carbon Hill. You can find this information using the links below. There are many reasons to visit Carbon Hill, Alabama.
Crime rates are often higher in parts of the city with lower population density. Crime rates may be lower in neighborhoods near parks or airports, but crime rates in these areas can be high. The fact is, crime occurs wherever people congregate. If you plan to visit a particular city in the future, you can research the crime rate. In fact, this map may give you some insight into which neighborhood is the safest.
The rent burden of the city is useful in determining the affordability of housing. Carbon Hill's rent burden is lower than the state's average of 30.5%, while neighboring cities like Sulligent and Red Bay have higher rent burdens. A quarter of Carbon Hill's population is renters. Its population is 9% white. The rest is black and hispanic, but the majority is non-white.
Population & Steets in Carbon Hicks