This article will go over the population and steets in Cottondale City. You may be interested to know how many people live in the city and what is the median income of the population. This information is important in evaluating the city's economic standing. The data below will show the percentage of residents who live in low-income areas. You should also keep in mind that the city's median income is only $33,095.
The population of Cottondale City is approximately 9,730 people. Most residents speak English. Spanish and Italian are also spoken in Cottondale. The population of Cottondale is a bit more diverse than the neighboring communities. There are more renters than buyers. A majority of residents rent their homes, which is another factor to consider when selecting a neighborhood. Cottondale City does not have public transportation and is mostly a residential community.
The most recent Census data shows that 93.6% of the population is under the age of 18. A quarter of households has a female householder who does not have a husband. The remaining 24% of the population are not families. One-third of the population is over 65 years of age. Compared to the state average, Cottondale City has a higher proportion of women than men. The average household size is about 2.31 people.
The city has a population of 933 people. The county seat is Jackson, and the city is the 436th largest in Florida. It has a mix of white and blue-collar jobs. Most residents are service providers, professionals, and construction workers. However, sales and food service are also common, with 8.22 percent of residents employed in these industries. You should consider the economic factors in Cottondale when choosing a home in this community.