Cowarts, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you visit the city of Cowarts, Alabama, you'll want to know its population and steets. This information will help you plan your trip. If you are not sure where to stay, you can view a list of nearby towns. The following list is sorted by population, from smallest to largest. You can also search by distance to find towns up to 100 miles away.

The median property value in Cowarts is $104,500, which is approximately 0.435 times smaller than the national average. The median household income in Cowarts is $25,700, which is lower than the state average of $45,500. Nearby cities Jacob City and Ebro have lower rent burdens than Cowarts. A majority of households in Cowarts are renters (75.7%), so they have a lower rent burden than Cowarts's residents.

According to the most recent census, there are around 924 people living in Cowarts, AL. The city's population has a diversity of ethnic groups. There are about 1.6k White residents in Cowarts, which is a decrease from the previous year. There are also 282 Black or African American residents who are not Hispanic. The median household income in Cowarts is $44,808, a 9.84% increase from the previous year.

While the per capita income in Cowarts is lower than the state average, the area is still relatively wealthy. In addition, a large percentage of the town's residents own two cars. A third of the population resides in apartments, making the town highly affordable. Despite its small size, the town has a diverse ethnic makeup. The most common racial groups in Cowarts, AL are white, Hispanic, and African-American.