When it comes to crime rates in Cropwell, the map of violent crimes shows that the northeast part of the city has the highest rate of violent crimes per resident, while the northwest is home to the lowest rate of violent crimes. Violent crime per resident can be misleading, since it doesn't always reflect the level of danger to residents. However, it is important to know the facts before purchasing a home in the northwest part of the city.
The average commute time in Cropwell, AL is approximately 45 minutes one way. The area is relatively small, so there are plenty of places to walk and take public transportation. However, many residents of Cropwell commute by car and may end up spending upwards of an hour a day traveling for work. For this reason, the city's median price is higher than the state's average, at $369,386, compared to the U.S. average of $1,189.
The median household income in Cropwell is $46,148. This is relatively high when compared to the rest of the country, and it's also slightly below the average for nearby ZIP codes. While money can't buy happiness, Cropwell residents aren't necessarily poor. Despite their low income, Cropwell's median household income is $48,592 and the average household income is $71,904. Most Cropwell residents are college graduates, with 73% of the population completing the schooling process, and only 53% dropping out.