You can check the population and street statistics of Eldridge City by using the links below. Alternatively, you can also view the Eldridge city profile to get more information. You can also see the schools located in the area. You can find the names and addresses of the schools on the Eldridge city page. These are only for reference purposes. If you'd like to know more about the schools in Eldridge, please click on their respective links below.
In terms of per capita income, people in Eldridge have a slightly higher standard of living than people in other cities. The per capita income in Eldridge is $36,325 for a person in the city. This means that the per capita income in Eldridge is slightly above average compared to the rest of the United States. For a family of four, this equates to about $145,300 in income. As you can see, the city is home to many people with very large and modest incomes, as well as many people who aren't even citizens.
The median age in Eldridge City is 36.7 years old. There are also 6.3% of residents who are 18 and under, 28.7% who are between 25 and 44, and 22.4% who are over the age of 64. The rest of the population is composed of individuals. A total of 5.5% of residents live alone. The gender split in Eldridge City is 48.1% male and 52.0% female.