Are you interested in the Population & Steets in Etherelsville City? If so, then you've come to the right place. Read on for more information! You'll learn everything you need to know about this town! Read on to discover the best places to live in Ethelsville. There are many different options to choose from! Here are some suggestions:
As of the 2010 Census, children aged under 18 made up 36.6% of the city's population, while older people made up 8.9%. Veterans made up 4.1% of the population. Twenty-one percent of Ethelsville residents spoke a language other than English at home. You can learn more about the people of this town by browsing through its demographic data. We hope this data has helped you make an informed decision about living in Ethelsville.
In terms of race, a majority of the residents in Ethelsville, Alabama are White (Non-Hispanic). However, in this city, a significant minority of the population is Black or African-American. If you're looking for an affordable place to live in Ethelsville, AL, you've come to the right place. There's something for everyone in Ethelsville.
If you're interested in learning more about this Alabama town, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information about the area, including the ZIP+4 code list, and interactive map. The zip code of the city is 35461, and the city's population is expected to increase to 20,000 by 2020. If you're looking for a house in this town, then you'll want to learn more about the housing market.