Gantt, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Population & Steets in Gentt City are listed below. These numbers can help you plan a road trip or explore the town. You can also find out what cities are within 100 miles of Gantt, SC. We'll cover some of these cities shortly. So, if you're planning a trip to Gantt, SC, consider the information above.

The USPS reports that the Gantt ZIP Code is the default name for the city. It's not actually the default name. The city is known by its default name. The population and demographic data for this city are different from those of other cities in South Carolina. However, they are different when it comes to crime rates and total number of people living in Gantt. For example, Gantt has a higher crime rate in some neighborhoods than in others.

The ZIP Code for Gantt City is 36038. This is the city designated by that zip code. If you live in Gantt, AL, you can enter the zip code 36038 to find out more about this area. If you live in River Falls, AL, you can find out about zip code 36038 by checking the area codes of both cities. You can see the full list of ZIP codes in Gantt on the city's official website.