The following infographic provides you with the Population & Steets of Gaylesville, AL. It contains useful statistics about the area's ethnic composition, including its population breakdown by race and religion. In addition, you can see how many people live in different areas. The most diverse areas of the city are neighborhoods and housing types. Here, you can see how the diversity of these areas affects its economic climate.
The population of Gaylesville City is composed of people from all walks of life. Approximately 58% of residents are married and 33% are single. However, the population is significantly higher than the state average for black people, Hispanics, and foreign-born residents. The median age of residents was 43 years old. The town has a higher percentage of male residents than females. Also, there are more families with children than there are single-parent households.
The ZIP Code for Gaylesville is 35973. The city is located in Cherokee County and is officially known as GAYLESVILLE, AL. The city's ZIP+4 code is 256 and it belongs to the Lower Middle Class zip code category. Its current unemployment rate is 2.1%, which is lower than the state's, national, and local averages of 5.0%.