If you are looking for some facts about Gurley City, Nebraska, you've come to the right place. Here, you'll find the population and steets. This city is home to around 738 people. However, economic conditions are often worse in small cities. The poverty rate for Gurley is higher than the average for U.S. cities, at 14.9%. You'll find the most recent data here.
The population and steets in Gurley City are based on census data. While the population is growing, the number of evictions is dropping. There are many reasons for evictions, including code violations. Evictions often result from failure to pay rent. A high rate of evictions, however, may indicate that the economy is not as stable as it used to be.
The area around the city is characterized by a mixture of ethnic groups. German, Polish, and Scots-Irish residents are most likely to identify with these backgrounds. In the Gurley Town Of / Wilson Cove neighborhood, the majority of the working population is categorized as English or German. Other residents are in service or sales jobs. Only 13.2% of residents are employed as clerical workers.
The cost of living in Gurley is lower than the national average and the majority of cities in the state. While some areas may have a higher cost of living than others, the overall average for housing, utilities, groceries, transportation, and health care is lower. Whether you're looking for a small town or a big city, Gurley will meet your needs. You'll be happy you chose Gurley!