Are you looking for the Population & Steets in Haze Green City? This article will help you find out. By providing information on the area's housing market, you'll be able to make a more informed decision about moving to Hazel Green. Here are some things to consider when evaluating Hazel Green, AL. As with any city, you should avoid a place that is too crowded.
In 2019, 89.3% of workers in Hazel Green, AL drove alone to work. Another 3.87 percent worked from home. The chart below shows the percentage of households that used each mode of transportation over the course of the year. The chart is based on a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to make it easier to compare the relative share of each mode over time. Hazel Green, AL has the highest proportion of households that own cars, making them one of the most affordable cities in the state.
While Hazel Green is a small town in the extreme north of Alabama, it is only 15 miles from the border with Tennessee. The climate in Hazel Green is moderate and comfortable during the months of May, September, and October. The coldest months are January and February. The area surrounding Hazel Green is also home to a thriving research center. Huntsville is referred to as the "Space Capital of America" and is home to several German scientists. The population of Hazel Green is 3,818 people, but has lost 3.8% of its population since 2020.