Hobson City, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Hobson City, AL are outlined below. The city is located in northeast Alabama, halfway between Birmingham and Atlanta. It is also a military town. The city's population is mainly comprised of white residents, although some black citizens are also present. Its population is estimated to be between 3,500 and 4,500. The city is home to three elementary schools.

In 2016, the median household income in Hobson City, AL was $5,297. This was lower than the state's average of $53,277. In 2017, 88.3% of households in Hobson City, AL were self-employed, and 3.5% had public transportation. Using a logarithmic scale, these numbers demonstrate the variation in smaller means of commuting.

The race-ethnicity distribution in Hobson City, AL is highly diverse. One-third of the population in Alabama is white, while only 2.8% are Black or African-American. Despite this, there are a number of other races represented in Hobson City, AL. For example, there are 8.9% of people in the city who are white, and 4.8% of people in Hobson City are Asian.