Maplesville, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're a real estate agent in Maplesville, AL, you'll know how important it is to research your prospective property's demographics. While the median household income is $32,788, you should also consider the poverty rate in your area. You can learn about the demographic makeup of Maplesville, AL by reviewing the following data. The following table shows you how many people live in Maplesville.

Of the 370 households in Maplesville, the majority were family-oriented. Twenty-three percent of households included children under the age of eighteen, while eleven percent had a female householder without a husband present. Thirty-two percent of households were non-families. Thirty-one percent were single adults, while 12.7% were senior citizens living alone. The average household size was 2.51, and the median family size was 3.13.

The city is located about 300 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico. The city is mildly climate-dependent, with the warmest months being May and October. Maplesville is known as "the Pittsburgh of the South," which explains why it's so misunderstood. In the past, it was known as a big industrial city, but it's underrated now. Once known as a booming industrial city, it's experienced a major economic turnaround, but isn't quite as famous as the other Southern stars.

The population of Maplesville is approximately 2,500 people. The city is second to Clanton in population, but is farther from it. Its residents are more likely to be young and educated, and many people choose to live in this small, unorganized community. However, the women of Maplesville are busy, and their time is not available for educational growth. They enjoy the natural community. While the population of Maplesville is low, the number of households that are renting is high, and the majority of people live in rental homes.