If you are looking for information on the Population & Steets in Menstone City, then look no further. We have compiled a list of facts and figures for your convenience. Just check out the table below to get started! Once you have mastered the information, you'll be ready to start exploring Mentone City. Until then, feel free to browse our website for more information.
The population of Mentone was only around 8,700 in 1890. At that time, the area was not populated yet, but did have a church and schoolhouse. The schoolhouse was located on the same lot as the American Legion building today, while the church was known as Lee's Chapel. At the time, both of these buildings stood diagonally across from each other and west of Utter's Service Station.
The first recorded settlement in Mentone was a family of four. Prosper Nichols later built an upscale home on the site of the old town hall. In 1840, Anna Bryant became the first white woman to marry in the town. Amos Mollenhour built the town's first automobile, a Model T., with his son Clark. The machine shop was later used by Ernsberger Lumber Co., and Elmore Fenstermaker, a local farmer, continues to produce eggs in the former Ernsberger Lumber Co. building.
Mentone was the centre of activity for 1888. A new newspaper, the Mentone gazette, was published in 1889. This newspaper also had a telegraph line to the outside world and an engraving department. Despite its small population, the town was growing rapidly. A new flour mill was opened in 1884 and a wagon shop was established in the early '90s. The town also had its first school building, a two-story wood structure with Frank Crutcher as a teacher. The first physician was Dr. Joseph A Chandler. Mentone also had its first newspaper in 1885, published on February 5.