Midland City, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The demographics of Midland City, AL are available on the Census.gov website. The most common occupations in Midland City are Health Care & Social Assistance, Retail Trade, and Manufacturing. While some residents may work at other locations, the statistics on poverty in Midland City, AL are based on total income. The list below provides details about the area's population and streets. The data is tagged by residential address, so it's important to note that some areas are much more crowded than others.

The 2010 census reported that there were 2,344 people living in Midland City. This includes 944 households and 636 families. The population density was 392 per square mile (150/km2). There were 6.2% non-families living in Midland City. The city was home to 7.5% residents who were 65 years old and older. The median household income in Midland City was lower than the state average. The percentage of Hispanic residents and foreign-born residents is significantly lower than the state average. The length of time since a person moved in is higher than the state average.

Among the Midland City residents, 62.8% are white. Thirty percent are black or African American residents. There are 618 two-and-over residents, and 0.918% are non-Hispanic. The city's median household income is $27,895. Approximately 37.7% of Midland City's households are owner-occupied, while 62.3% are rented.