The population of Muscle Shoals City is estimated to be around 14,575. Approximately 1% of the residents are American Indian or Alaska Native. In addition, the city is home to 8.5% of those living below the federal poverty level. The city's schools are comprised of over thirty-five-hundred staff members, including fifteen administrators, one hundred and fifty-two teachers, 4.5 media specialists, and 64.5 support staff. The majority of the population is white, with an estimated one-fifth of residents being black. However, there are also a few ethnic groups that are less common in Muscle Shoals.
The following section of charts provides a more detailed look at baby births and mothers in Muscle Shoals. First, the Birth Rate is based on a median household income, which is about $31,000, and gives a good indication of the poverty rate of this community. Muscle Shoals is significantly higher than most places, with 12% of births going to mothers between the ages of fifteen and nineteen.
The population of Muscle Shoals is the same as that of the state of Alabama. The city is home to approximately twenty-one-thousand residents. As a result, the area is home to an array of diverse cultures. Whether you want to live in the old South or experience the modern world, there's no shortage of entertainment options. In fact, Muscle Shoals is home to a vibrant arts community, from community theaters to dance companies.