If you're thinking about moving to Northport City, Alabama, you may be wondering, "What's the Population & Steets like?" There's good news! You don't need to worry, since the city is located just 52 miles from the nearest major city. The following table lists the population and steets of cities within a hundred miles of Northport, AL.
In Northport, residents belong to a variety of racial groups. While the majority of residents identify as White or Black, there are also many other ethnic groups. Irish, German, Italian, and English are the most common ancestries among Northport residents. The most common languages spoken in Northport are English, Spanish, French, and Italian. However, you will find that people of all ages speak a variety of languages, so if you want to learn a foreign language, this city is the place for you.
When choosing a city to live in, make sure to check the boxes that matter most. By learning about the local metric for each category, you can make an informed decision about where to move to. With the information you have gathered, you can choose the best neighborhood for you. You can also compare Northport to the averages in the state of Alabama to make a more informed decision. You can make the right decision for your family by researching Northport's demographic data.
As for the economy, Northport is a college town on the Black Warrior River. It has a vibrant social scene and is close to several nationally acclaimed health care facilities, such as DCH Regional Medical Center. The city has a population of 31,125 as of the most recent census, with 14.3% of the population being elderly. The city has plenty of opportunities to meet the needs of its residents, including many restaurants, parks, and a thriving community.