Listed below are the demographics of the town of Paint Rock City. The population was made up of 30.6% of households with children under the age of 18, 7.8% of those between the ages of 18 and 24, and 26.5% of households with a married couple. Twenty-one percent of the population was over the age of sixty-four. The median age of the town was 35 years. Males outnumbered females 86.0 to one in every hundred residents aged 18 and older.
The city of White Rock could use more sidewalks and on-street parking. It could benefit from a waterfront park and public bathrooms. Additionally, the city could improve family-friendly parks and have more bike trails. It should also plant more trees to increase its greenspace. It is not just a residential city - the surrounding community needs businesses to thrive. So, this city's planning department should focus on the needs of its residents and businesses.