Perote, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Perot City? There are several factors that determine the population of a city. The population of a city is generally determined by how many people live there. Perote City is one of the poorest cities in the United States. According to a recent census, there are fewer people living here than in other American cities. There are a few major factors that determine the population of a city.

Crime rates in Perote can vary widely. While most cities have a relatively low crime rate, Perote has a very high one. Assaults are committed at a rate of 5.99 per 1,000 residents. Perote is safest in its northwest area, but crime rates are higher in its eastern area. Residents in these areas should be aware of the fact that a high proportion of crime occurs in these areas.

The city is home to an indigenous population. The population of Perote is only about 2000. This number is expected to grow. Those who live in Perote should consider the benefits of living in a city with a low crime rate. By providing safe and secure housing, you can increase your chances of living in a safer environment. You can also take advantage of the affordable housing and low cost living options in Perote.

For your convenience, you can also look up the zip code of Perote. This city has a ZIP code of 36061. To get the ZIP code for Perote, you can visit the City of Perote's website. This website also contains information about the area's schools, museums, hospitals, and libraries. The PEROTE ZIP code is followed by a four-digit number that gives the city's address.