Petrey, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How many people live in Petrey City? That's a great question. Fortunately, there's a great way to find out. The following information will give you an overview of the city. This includes the average population and the race makeup of its residents. Also, you can use the information to find out what other cities near Petrey, AL are like. Use the table below to compare two cities.

The population of Petrey, Alabama is less than 2,500 people. This city is located outside of a major metro area, in the Central Time Zone. In terms of internet speeds, Petrey offers 0 Mbps for both wired and wireless service. Whether you're looking to use your smartphone or access the internet from your computer, Petrey will have a speed that suits you.

In terms of income, the median household income in Petrey, Alabama is $56,146. A high school education is the most common qualification in the city. Those with a bachelor's degree are more likely to be employed, but those with only an associate's degree are not necessarily considered "well-educated" or "educated."