Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Rainville City? The city is located in DeKalb County, Alabama. The population of Rainsville was 4,948 at the 2010 census, compared to 4,499 in 2000. It is situated on Sand Mountain, a southern extension of the Cumberland Plateau. You can find lots of interesting things about this city if you read this article.
The overall livability score for Rainsville is a very high 91. This is based on a weighted average of various factors, including crime rate, cost of living, and education. Rainsville also ranks well for diversity, with a population of almost half of African Americans, Asians, and Hispanics. For this reason, you will find that people from all backgrounds feel comfortable living in this community.
If you're looking for a place to live, you can find it in Rainsville. The population of the city is around 5,000 people. It is a growing city and is near larger Southern cities and major transportation routes. If you're interested in outdoor recreation, Rainsville offers many opportunities. The city is surrounded by many lakes and rivers, as well as mountains and caverns.
One of the most important aspects of life in Rainsville is education. About 40 percent of residents completed college. Another 29% earned a master's degree, professional degree, or doctorate. The occupations of the residents of Rainsville, AL are listed below. One-third of them are employed in the service industry, while the other third work in blue-collar or white-collar jobs.