If you're looking to make a move to Stapleton City, Colorado, there are several things you should know. This article will give you the population and steets of Stapleton City, Colorado. You'll also find out what commute options are available to residents, including public transit, car or trolley bus, and ferry boat. The following demographic data is from the 2020 American Community Survey, which is updated annually. While the data is based on the most recent available data, the US Census Bureau does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any data reported here.
Stapleton is home to roughly 14,000 people, which is lower than the rest of Denver. The zip codes in Stapleton include 80237, 80238, and 80239. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 80% of adults in Stapleton City hold a high school diploma, while nearly 60% of residents have a four-year college degree. About 30% of residents have a master's degree, and 3% hold a doctorate degree.
Stapleton is home to several notable people, including former Denver mayor Benjamin Stapleton, who was also a member of the Ku Klux Klan. On Jan. 29, Gregory Stapleton was arrested on charges of first-degree murder, aggravated robbery, and a felony of deliberate homicide in the death of Richard Ford III on Sept. 8, 2020. The alleged murderer is Gregory Stapleton, a former member of the Ku Klux Klan and former Denver Mayor Benjamin Stapleton.