Do you want to know more about the Population & Steets of Town Creek City, Alabama? If so, this article will help you out. In Town Creek, AL, you will find that 84.2% of the population are white, while 21.7% are black. You will also find that 2.0% of the population is Hispanic, which may be an important factor in determining your target audience.
The cost of living in Town Creek is lower than the national average, and generally lower than most of the cities in the state. While some areas have higher cost of living than others on a state or federal level, overall housing costs, utilities, groceries, transportation, and miscellaneous goods are lower than the national average. You can find affordable housing in Town Creek and enjoy a comfortable lifestyle. You'll also enjoy the convenience of a great location close to the state capital.
In terms of employment, 80.9% of residents in Town Creek worked alone, while 16.9% carpooled to work. A further two percent worked from home. The most common forms of transportation in Town Creek are cars and buses, with a percentage of households using each mode of transportation below the threshold. The most common jobs in Town Creek, AL are production, transportation, and management occupations. If you're looking for employment in this area, you can use this information to make the right choice.