Valley Grande, Alabama Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Valley Grande City, New Mexico is 16,317 people. This number is broken down into 3,873 families and over 19,000 households. The median age of the population in Valley Grande City is 29 years. The population was most evenly split between the male and female sex. The median household size was 3.47 people. A quarter of the population were single people. The city's population accounted for about 45% of the total number of people in the county.

The population of Valley Grande is composed of a variety of races. The majority of Valley Grande residents are white. The remainder are black or African-American. Only two percent of the population speaks a non-English language at home. The majority of Valley Grande residents speak Spanish, but a few speak an Indo-European or Asian language. The city's population is based on the most recent available information and may not reflect the current population.

The median property value in Valley Grande, AL is $143,600. This number is 0.597 times smaller than the national average. The median home value in Valley Grande, AL increased from $122,200 to $143,600 in 2019. The homeownership rate is 85.3%, which is above the national average. Residents of Valley Grande, AL drive to work alone. On average, residents own two cars. These statistics reflect a city's diversity and how many people are part of each race.